Bluenose Chimney Care
(902) 817-0778

Chimney Inspection and Repair

From Chimney Inspections aka Scoping  to minor repairs to your refectory, brick replacement, gasket repair, reorientation of flue, and other chimney issues. You can rest easy with our clean and experienced, certified technicians on the job.  We can also install addons like shields, chimney caps and roof bracings to ensure your wood burning system is keeping you and your family both safe and warm.

***Please note that we are currently servicing wood-burning systems only. 

Chimney Inspections aka Scoping 

Chimney scoping is inspecting the interior of a chimney using specialized equipment such as a chimney camera or scope. This inspection is typically conducted to assess the condition of the chimney and to identify any damage or blockages. This can determine if any repairs or maintenance are needed.  Chimney scoping is especially important for safety reasons. A damaged or blocked chimney can pose serious risks such as chimney fires or carbon monoxide leaks. Professional chimney sweeps often perform chimney scoping as part of their services to ensure that chimneys are in good working condition and safe to use. 

Custom Metal Chimney Chase Covers

A custom metal chimney chase cover is a specialized protective cap designed to fit snugly over the top of a chimney chase. Unlike standard chimney chase covers, which come in predetermined sizes, a custom cover is tailored to fit the exact dimensions of the chimney chase it’s intended for. This ensures a precise fit and maximum coverage, minimizing the risk of water infiltration, animal intrusion, and debris buildup. Its design and durable construction make it an effective solution for preserving the integrity and functionality of your chimney system. 


Custom Heat Shields

Custom heat shields are specially designed protective barriers used to shield certain areas from intense heat. They are typically made from heat-resistant materials such as stainless steel, aluminum, or ceramic. These materials can then be tailored to fit specific dimensions and shapes. Unlike generic heat shields, custom heat shields are tailored to fit the specific dimensions and layout of the space around the wood stove. This customization ensures maximum coverage and effectiveness in protecting adjacent walls, floors, and furniture from heat damage. 


Why should you should consider a Roof Brace

A roof brace kit for a chimney is a set of components designed to provide structural support and stability to a chimney extending through a roof. Chimneys can be vulnerable to damage from high winds or other external forces. This is especially true if they are tall or located in areas prone to severe weather. A chimney roof brace kit provides structural support, preventing leaks, resisting wind forces, complying with building codes, therefore enhancing safety. Investing in a high-quality roof brace kit along with proper installation will help protect your chimney for years to come.

Chimney Inspection and Repair

We have the top chimney sweeps in the HRM, and can do minor repairs to your refectory, brick replacement, gasket repair, reorientation of flue, and other chimney issues. You can rest easy with our clean and experienced, certified technicians on the job.

***Please note that we are currently servicing wood-burning systems only


chimney scope
chase cover
heat shield
Roof Brace