Bluenose Chimney Care
(902) 817-0778

WETT Inspection – What is it and why is it needed?

If you have a woodstove or other burning device, chances are your insurance company is going to ask for a WETT Inspection.  We have the staff, the experience, and the process to get you the best certified, insured, on-site WETT Inspection service possible.

Serving Halifax (HRM), Dartmouth, Eastern Passage, Cow Bay, Bedford, Lower Sackville, Eastern Passage, Porter’s Lake, and all surrounding areas.


What does WETT stand for? 

WETT is an acronym for Wood Energy Technology Transfer and is a non profit organization. Through professional training and public education, WETT Inc. promotes the safe and effective use of wood-burning systems in Canada.  

Certified WETT inspectors have undergone training and accreditation through organizations like Wood Energy Technology Transfer Inc. They are tested to ensure their competence in evaluating wood-burning systems and providing accurate recommendations for safety and compliance.


What is a WETT inspection? 

WETT stands for “Wood Energy Technology Transfer”.  It is a type of inspection conducted on wood-burning appliances such as stoves, fireplaces, furnaces and the flue. The primary purpose of a WETT inspection is to assess the installation and proper functioning of these appliances, with a focus on fire safety and environmental considerations. The inspection also ensures that all wood burning elements meet safety and regulatory standards.


Why should I get a WETT Inspection? 

WETT inspections are particularly important for homeowners who use wood-burning appliances as a primary or secondary heat source. It is also equally important for those people who are buying or selling properties with these appliances too. Inspections can help prevent fire hazards, carbon monoxide leaks, and therefore ensure that the appliances are operating efficiently.

If a wood burning system is not installed correctly it can be therefore be a threat to your household’s safety. An inspection by a qualified WETT certified inspector will give you important information and knowledge about your wood burning system.  We can confirm if it has been installed correctly and also if it is operating within safety standards. Our inspector will also be able to answer any questions and provide some tips on the maintenance of the system. 

Your home insurance company may ask for a WETT Inspection

If there is a wood-burning unit in your home chances are that you will likely be asked for a WETT inspection by your insurance company. It is often a requirement for your home insurance policy. 

During a Real Estate Transaction – A WETT inspection can also be requested for a real estate transaction of a home that has a wood-burning appliance.

If there was a fire involving the wood-burning unit, the police or fire department may request a WETT inspection.


What is a SITE Basic Inspection? / What are the other types of inspections?

SITE Basic Inspection is a set of standardized guidelines and procedures that are recommended by WETT for the inspection and/or evaluation of wood-burning systems. WETT outlines three levels of inspections.

  • Level 1: Visual inspection
  • Level 2: Technical inspection
  • Level 3: Invasive inspection

Click here to view the WETT SITE inspection table


What can I expect during a WETT inspection?

During a the inspection, a certified inspector evaluates various aspects of the wood-burning system, including:

  1. Installation: The inspector checks if the appliance has been properly installed according to manufacturer’s specifications and local building codes. This includes examining clearances to combustible materials, proper venting, and other safety requirements.
  2. Chimney and Venting: The condition and integrity of the chimney and venting system are assessed to ensure that smoke and combustion byproducts are properly directed out of the home and do not pose a safety risk.
  3. Combustion Efficiency: The inspector may evaluate the efficiency of the appliance’s combustion process to determine if it is burning fuel efficiently, which impacts both heat output and environmental concerns.
  4. Clearances: The inspector checks whether the wood-burning appliance is adequately spaced from walls, ceilings, and other combustible materials to prevent the risk of fire.
  5. Structural Integrity: The overall structural condition of the appliance is assessed to ensure it is safe to operate and free from defects that could lead to malfunction or danger.
  6. Overall Safety: The inspector reviews the appliance’s compliance with local safety regulations and provides recommendations for improvements or repairs if necessary.


My wood stove already certified…

This certifies that your wood-burning appliance was built to certain standards by a different organization. This certification however, does not assume or confirm that the unit was installed properly as per the manufacturer’s manual and/or in compliance with the Installation Code.  This is where the WETT inspection comes into play.


Why Choose us?

When you search for a WETT Inspector near me (Halifax, Dartmouth, Bedford, Dartmouth, Eastern Shore etc.)  we want you to think of us! We offer inspection of any wood-burning system to ensure they are compliant with WETT standards. On completion, we will explain the inspection results and also present you with a written report that will satisfy the requirements of any insurance company. You will therefore sleep better at night knowing the inspection was done correctly and your family is safer for it.

WETT Inspection home Insurance
WETT Inspection